Registration Rules and Regulations
Glossary of Terms

DNA Parentage Testing is Required

No registration certificate can prove the identity of a horse; it only proves the last recorded owner of that horse. However, the markers on a DNA report are like a fingerprints; they scientifically prove who your horse is. A DNA report should follow the ownership of the horse - always.

- All horses registered with CRS must be satisfactory parentage tested to verified Firouz-Caspian sires & dams

- All owners will receive a copy of their horse's complete DNA report.

A copy of the report will also be posted online at: Caspian Horse International Census website/CHIC

DNA Instructions
DNA Order Form

Registration Options:

New Registration Application Form (Page 1 - Page 2)

Option 1 - DNA Certified Registration
- $35.00 check / $37 PayPal

Horse is DNA parentage tested proving sire and dam trace to Firouz Caspians; -simple CRS registration is issued & DNA report is sent to the owner

Option 2 - DNA Certified & 4 Generation Registration
- $55.00 check / $57 PayPal

Horse is DNA parentage tested proving sire and dam trace to Firouz Caspians; -4 generation CRS registration is issued & the DNA report is sent to the owner

Assignment of Tracking # - Tracking #Assignment Form
Dual Registration = CRS Tracking Registration
- $10 check / $12 PayPal

Firouz-Caspians registered first with another registry and registered 2nd with CRS are given special Tracking Registration numbers (so as not to skew census data) A copy of the other registry’s certificate is requested and a satisfactory DNA report is required to document sire & dam. -4 generation CRS registration is issued

- CRS Transfer Ownership - $10 fee by check / $12 PayPal
CRS registered Firouz-Caspians to record a transfer of CRS ownership - original CRS registration is returned to CRS for transfer updates

Notice of Change Forms
- Color/Marking Change* - No fee
- Death* - No fee
- Gelding* - No fee
- Lease Agreement - No fee